Friday 3 January 2014

The Beginning

Hello blogger world :-)

This is me, Australian size 16, 94kg in October 2013 (today, I weigh 90kg but am still the same size as in the pic).

In October 2013, weighing 94kg, I decided to journey into the Paleo/Primal realms, not really knowing what I was doing as I hadn't read anything about it, just picked up some info from surfing the various forums, blogs and websites dedicated to Paleo/Primal.  I began simply cutting out wheat and dairy products and in two months I had dropped 4kg.  It was THAT easy.  I didn't do anything else, didn't change my exercise patterns (which were pretty much non existent anyway!) or cut back on other junk food, I just cut out wheat and dairy.

Just before Christmas I joined my local Anytime Fitness gym and booked 8 personal training sessions with a very lovely man who made me feel really at ease and he was not at all judgmental about my weight!  In fact, after giving him my fitness/medical history he could totally understand why I was struggling and why I hadn't succeeded in the past.  My motivation was there, the knowledge was there, but I didn't have the backup support of a professional.

So I want to document my progress and maybe help others along the way.  I will share more about myself as the blog evolves otherwise you'll get bored VERY quickly hahaha

x Belinda

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